
Working across different organizations through representatives is tricky business, and it is often unclear who should take the lead. We provide an experienced coalition facilitator to act as a neutral party between organizations in your coalition, run and schedule meetings, and maintain coalition records.

Coalition Facilitation

Very few people know how to most effectively facilitate a meeting. Our facilitator trainings prepare anyone in your organization to effectively facilitate meetings that value the time and perspectives of all participants.

Meeting Facilitation Training


Discover ways to improve the environmental sustainability of your services and products, including supply chains..

Environmental Assessments

Governance Assessments

Understand your organization’s real processes for oversight, accountability, and decision-making. We help you explore issues like board composition, entity type, and alignment with stakeholders.

ESG Risk Assessments

What are the top five environmental, social, and governance risks faced by your organization?

Social Assessments

Assess community impact, social license to operate, organizational climate, DEI, and social KPIs.


Work with our experts to create ways to upstream communities in knowledge-sharing and decision-making processes. 

Increase Transparency

We can help you get more specific about your capacities using data and models so that you can set reasonable goals.

ESG Goal Setting

Identify and communicate with key stakeholders like investors, customers, and community members about your work.

Stakeholder Engagement Research

Sometimes there is a crucial decision that needs to be made on environmental, social, and/or governance factors. We work with you to gather data and model that decision.

ESG Decision Analysis